Friends. Halloween is my favorite.
I know, it’s an easy holiday to grow out of, but I really love dressing up. Some might say I love it too much, but let’s not listen to them. I also love seeing other people dressed up and talking about why they are what they are. It’s just so great.
If Halloween isn’t your jam, keep reading, it’s still relevant – I promise.
As mentioned, when I am dressed up as something else and see someone else in costume, I absolutely love talking to them. Costumes are the easiest conversation starter ever, “Hey, why are you a cactus?”.

(And yes, I’m over 30 and still dress up every year, 13/10 would recommend)
I’m struck by how all awkwardness is taken out of talking to a stranger on Halloween. Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could tap into this ability on a more regular basis?
What would it look like if we gave that a shot in life – treating every day with the openness that is the norm on Halloween? You want to go talk to some guy and say hi? Cool, do it to it. What about that person you’ve always looked up to? Rad, go introduce yourself.
Realize that people are the same whether or not they are dressed up for work, for a night out, or for the most fun holiday of the year. That ability to easily start a conversation is always in us, we just have to get over ourselves and go make it happen. Be bold. Be a cactus, or at least have the confidence of one.